Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Choosing Body Building Weights and Equipment
A healthy body is definitely something to be thankful for. Many people live their lives obsessed with making their body as fit as possible. There are those who strive to achieve perfection with their body while others sit on their couches watching television. Many people buy body building weights and equipment while others open up a bag of chips.
If you want a healthy muscular body, you should acquire the necessary body building weights and equipment. This shows your dedication to the task since a person truly dedicated to having a great body will spend the time and money needed to buy that equipment.
Choosing body building weights and equipment can be a pretty difficult task if you are still beginning. Some people think that by buying the heaviest weights or most expensive machines, they can make work easier. They believe that throwing money will help them achieve their goal of having a fit body faster. Before you do this, you should realize that body building is all about the attitude that you take. All the body building weights and equipment you obtain will be useless if you do not have the will to make use of them.
So what should you do before buying body building weights and equipment?
1) Consult yourself – Do you truly wish to have a fit body, or is body building merely a phase that you are going through? This, of course, would measure how much dedication you have to body building. This would help you determine just how much money you would be willing to spend on body building weights and equipment.
Just what would you like to get out of body building? Your aim would also gauge how much effort you would be making towards the achievement of a fit body. In order to be successful at body building, your purpose must be clear. It should be something that you really want and not something superficial.
2) Consult a professional – This is in order to ensure your safety. Before buying weights and body building equipment, you should learn whether or not using those things can be dangerous for you. By consulting a professional, you will also learn the proper use of the weights and body building equipment that you buy. This will help you become more efficient with your exercises and will help you get the best results from your weights and body building equipment.
Body Building can have a very significant effect on your life, improving your health and mental stamina, and causing you to adapt a better and healthier life style. Learn about body building and Body Building Products, visit Mario Chompass body building tips and advice site.
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Friday, September 15, 2006
Health Tips and Trends - Let's Get With It
Cut back on cola. Drinking even just one cola per day can increase your chances of osteoporosis. The phosphoric acid in the cola sucks out the calcium from the body. And, it doesn’t matter how much milk you drink. Substitute cola with water, or juices. For a healthy diet try some of the great natural fruit flavored waters available today. And for a healthy weight loss, nothing beats good old refreshing water.
The gap between sexes is getting smaller. Women’s health and men’s health: Women have outlived men in the western world for years. Woman tended to die less from preventable diseases than men. However, the rise in female smokers and the decrease in exercise are closing the gap. Women beware.
Worried about iron deficiency? Ask your doctor to test your iron. Then, if you are a woman between the ages of 19 and 49, eating red meat, green vegetables *leafy, can help you get the recommended intake of 18 milligrams of iron. Talk to your doctor about this. This is a very important women’s health issue.
Thinking of changing to a vegetarian diet? Here are six benefits. 1 – A vegetarian diet is great for the heart and has proven to lower the risk of coronary disease. 2 – This can lower your cholesterol levels by up to 35%. 3 – A vegetarian diet can also lower your blood pressure. 35% of vegetarians improve in their hypertension readings. 4 – Your colon will love this diet. You tremendously decrease your risk of colon cancer. 5 - If you plan your meals properly, even study the glycemic diet, your diabetes will be much easier to control. 6 – There is a reduced risk of gallstones.
New fortified foods help you to meet your daily requirements easier.
Tips for diets: -Choose a wide variety of foods, try not to restrict yourself. -Supplement with Omega 3. By now I am sure you have heard that Omega 3 is considered this centuries medical miracle. -Research what natural herbal dietary supplement may be good for you. -And, make sure you include calcium rich foods, especially for women’s health concerns.
Oral Cancer – Lower the likelihood of developing this disease. -don’t smoke, or chew tobacco. -don’t drink too much alcohol. -Always practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularily. -Use a lip balm with SPF 15.
Take stock of where you are. If you have a health goal established, in order to get there you need to know where you are today. So, take stock of yourself.
Blood Pressure – How low should your blood pressure go? Normal blood pressure should be 120/80. Apparently researches are now looking at whether this is really low enough. Tests are now showing that even lower blood pressure than the norm will increase your heart health and lower your risk for heart disease. Getting to your healthy weight and getting lots of exercise will help to naturally lower your blood pressure.
Medical Disclaimer: This article is designed for educational purposes only and should not be used in any other manner. This information is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice.
Ruth is actively involved in internet marketing and she finds it very exciting. Her passions are people health and pet health. She is a wife, a stepmom a dog owner and a business person. She is married for almost 30 years to Chris who has been, and still is, battling the monster MS. Two of her dogs are Certified Therapy Dogs. She is currently working from her home. Her Blog Her Articles Her Pet Blog
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Fitness, Exercise, Walk
Walking is one of the best methods of exercise you can do. It requires no special equipment and has muscular and cardiovascular benefits. Walking on a regular basis should be part of every person's fitness routine. Best of all, walking can be fit in to a busy day very easily.
A common tip on fitting walking into your day is to park your car at the back of the parking lot when you shop or go to work. To take that idea one step farther, why not consider parking in an adjacent parking lot or walking from your home to the store or too your office? If you take public transportation or someone drops you off, consider getting off one stop early or having your companion drop you off several blocks away from your destination.
Another common suggestion is to take the stairs whenever possible. But some people have access to all the functions they require on one floor and don't find the need to use the stairs. If this is the case, consider regularly using a washroom on a different floor or using a copier that's across the building from your desk.
If you frequently go out to lunch, suggest to your colleagues that you find a good restaurant within walking distance. If time is an issue, speak with your supervisor about lengthening your lunch break in favor of working a few extra minutes at the end of the day.
Although many people think walking the dog is a good way to get in extra steps, the stop and go nature of walking your dog doesn't really provide many health benefits. However, many dogs appreciate a brisk walk once they have relieved themselves. Allow extra time for a few laps around the block at a brisk pace once Fido has completed his business.
Babies, also, enjoy being taken for walks. But unless your child is old enough to maintain a steady pace, consider pushing him in a stroller while you walk. An added benefit of this is that you will burn extra calories the stroller. You will also set a great example for your child that exercise is an important part of the day. Since you should be able to carry on a conversation while walking (if you can't, you're going too fast) make taking a walk after dinner a family tradition. You may be surprised what topics of discussion come up.
Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Fitness, Alternative Health, and Science
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Saturday, September 09, 2006
Why Should I Eat Tomatoes
Tomatoes are made out of water and vital biological substances. The tomato is a plant belonging to the Solanaceae or nightshade family, native to Central and South America, from Mexico to Peru. Because tomatoes are low in calories, they are considered an excellent and nutritional type of food for people that wish to follow a weight-loss plan. Having high vitamin C levels that help the body increase naturally its immune system, tomatoes have evolved to become one of the most loved vegetables used in meal preparation worldwide.
In fact, the daily consumption of two tomatoes provides the human organism with 2/3 of the needed vitamin C. Moreover, since tomatoes have in abundance folic acid, which is considered necessary by experts in the reconstruction and recovery of human body cells, they are one of the healthier snacks a patient could eat. Specifically, those that receive any kind of medication treatment, drink a lot of alcohol, or eat a lot of meat, and also pregnant women or the elderly, need to consume folic acid and thus it is considered essential to eat a lot of tomatoes.
This "miracle plant" contains also vitamin E, which is helps fertility and assists in maintaining a balanced sex life. In addition, it is a great recourse of different vitamins from the vitamin B group, which help the human metabolism function smoothly and develops a strong neural system. It also contains selenium, which belongs to the chemical substances that prevent certain types of cancer, while it plays a very important role for the human immune system. The amount of potassium found in tomatoes protects the human heart and the magnesium it contains helps the organism overcome the symptoms of stress and muscular cramps. Tomatoes are also an excellent source of iron, copper and manganese.
Recent studies have concluded that the regular and adequate tomato consumption can actually reduce the risk of developing cancer by 40 percent. This plant's fruit mainly protects the human organism against prostate, lung and stomach type of cancers. In an study conducted in the United States, which included a sample of 14,000 Americans and over 3,000 Norwegians, scientists have discovered that smokers who eat tomatoes or carrots frequently (more than fourteen times a month) had lower chances of developing lung cancer in comparison to the people that did not select to eat these kind of vegetables.
Moreover, nutrition experts support that people should eat both raw and cooked tomatoes. Some ingredients found in the tomatoes become available only through heat and by adding olive oil. Thus, tomato-based sauces are an excellent resource of additional nutritional benefits. Thus, add tomatoes to your daily diet and increase the balance in your life while enjoying a tasteful and full of aroma vegetable.
Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Food, Nutrition, and Cooking
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Saturday, September 02, 2006
Losing Weight the Natural and Most Effective Way
Like many people around the world, you may have a problem with having too much weight. But did you know that when you attempt to lose weight in a healthy manner – in short, via educating yourself instead of trying some fad diet - you are actually trying to lessen the amount of body fat you have?
To lose weight fast and for good, you must boost your metabolism. This is considered the quickest way to lose weight, as is evidenced by the numerous bodybuilders who possess very lean bodies.
The problem with trying out a fad diet is that these do not hasten the metabolism. Rather, they force your metabolism to slow down which in turn stops you from losing weight. To push himself to lose more weight, a dieter may cut down some more on food consumption but this is fruitless.
Why? The net loss of protein further slows down your metabolism and your body will attempt to compensate for the lower calorie intake. Even trying to exercise at this point will not solve the problem and may even worsen it. Some people may even re-gain the weight they lost as their metabolism slows down.
The reason for this weight gain is the fact that the more protein you lose from muscle then more fluid is lost. The weight you actually lost during the first few weeks will be mostly water loss. Thus your body attempts to compensate for the loss of fluid by slowing down the metabolism.
The best and permanent way to lose weight is to boost your metabolism beyond the normal range.
Boosting your metabolism would make you lose weight at a slower, more gentle pace of one to two pounds every week while gaining water. It allows the body to hang on to its protein stores thus minimizing water loss.
In addition, should you lower your calorie intake to too low a level, you can lose valuable protein – even when exercising. This is because exercise requires the intake of extra carbohydrates for fuel. Without carbohydrates, the body has to rely on protein stores to change into carbohydrates.
An exerciser who is not in good shape will need more carbohydrates since he has an untrained cardiovascular system. This untrained cardiovascular system cannot provide the necessary oxygen to allow cells to convert fat into energy needed during exercise.
Doing exercise even if you are unfit or overweight can boost your metabolism. However, it is necessary for such individuals to do the right exercise for their particular body type, without reducing calorie intake by too much or before it is required.
You must boost your metabolism first prior to reducing your calorie intake. This allows the body to prepare a major fat-burning energy metabolism that doesn’t involve so much protein metabolism.
By boosting your metabolism, you don’t need to exercise so much as often, which gives you more time to do other things. It is not necessary to put in as much effort into exercise then. It is less likely for you to regain the weight afterwards. With a fast metabolism, your diet need not be inflexible – allowing you to enjoy certain foods as well.
You don’t need to work at preparing low- or non-fat food for yourself so much, nor do you need to buy costly low-fat varieties of food. The last, but surely the best benefit, is that you have a higher percentage of fat loss compared to fluid loss.
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Dieting. For more information regarding Natural Weight Loss please drop by at
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
Count Your Calories To Better Health
Obesity is steadily growing to be major lifestyle problem for most Americans. In fact, studies have shown that with the influx of new fat-rich, fast food diets, Americans have begun to get larger and heavier. Also, in an alarming development, more and more people are getting overweight at a younger age.
Being overweight means that one has an excess amount of weight – which does not limit itself to fat. There are ranges in weight that is acceptable for people of different age and height groups. If you weigh more than recommended for your height and age group, then you should seriously consider shedding off some pounds.
Index (BMI), to ascertain whether a person is overweight or not. This measurement seeks to find out how heavy a person is per amount of body space he or she has. The BMI is a handy tool in assessing whether a person is healthy or overweight.
Being able to know your BMI and watch your weight is essential to good health. While most people just think that being overweight is something that is painful to look at – with repercussions to one’s overall self-esteem, there are other, graver reasons why one should be concerned about his or her weight.
The truth is that obesity is a major factor in many debilitating diseases that have gone up in frequency of late. Heart disease, Stroke, Diabetes, and other major diseases can be traced to obesity and ultimately to one’s diet and lifestyle.
Therefore, to be able to avoid these lifestyle diseases, it becomes imperative that one is able to keep from becoming obese. There are two major ways to do this – a proper diet, and exercise (or a more active lifestyle). Because of the increase in daily conveniences in today’s world, people are becoming increasingly sedentary and fail to work their bodies into health.
The only way to regain this health is to return to a more active type of lifestyle coupled with a return to healthier, less-fatty foods.
Losing Calories is as Easy as Counting Them But how do people get fat? While genetics can be a big factor, the overriding principle here is that everything that you eat has varying amounts of calories that your body needs for energy. If you consume more than you need, your body ends up storing it for later use. This is when your calories become fat tissue.
The problem here is that it could lead to a vicious cycle where you keep consuming more energy than you need, this will lead to more fatty deposits that will accumulate throughout the years unabated. This underscores the need for more restraint and discipline with our diet.
To lose fat, one must consume just enough calories so that the body does not have to store the energy as fat. It will instead burn the energy up. If you eat just a little less than your body needs, your body will turn to its fat stores for energy.
However, it does not mean that if you stop eating at all, you will lose fat. In fact it would be quite the contrary. If you stop eating altogether and pig out once in a while, it would lead to increased fat deposits because your body would have adjusted to so little energy in the body.
So what is the solution? The solution to this debacle is to eat just the right amount of calories throughout the day in small but frequent meals. Couple this with exercise, and you have a surefire way of burning the fat nothingness.
However, when going for exercise, it has to be the aerobic kind, meaning it has to be a regular sustained exercise that for more than 20 minutes. This type of exercise uses oxygen and fat to generate energy. Weight lifting on the other hand is anaerobic and uses glycogen instead for energy.
How do you tell the two apartIf you are able to talk a bit while performing an exercise, then it is most probably aerobic. Your heart rate for such exercises should span the 130 bpm range.
Your CaloriesGoing back to calories, you should remember that to keep your calories in the range for your weight. Look at the nutritional information to make your decisions. Also you should consult with a nutritionist for further advice on your recommended calorie intake and reduction plan.
Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about calories, how to count them and how to use them to lose weight.
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Body Building Diets
Burgers. Hot dogs. French fries. Ice cream. Shakes. Salads. Sodas. Pizza. Pasta. Potato chips. Corn chips. Sundaes. Sandwiches. Juices. Chocolate bars. These are mostly what a normal person consumes, especially if given the opportunity to choose. If you notice, most of what an ordinary person eats is junk food. These foods hardly contain any of the required elements that would keep any kind of body in good condition.
Professionals, dietitians, and nutritionists have created special diets so as to assist people who would like to add some muscles or shed off some pounds. Of course, some people claim that diets do not work for them, for they testify that they have not noticed any kind of change in their bodies. The truth is that building up your body requires a firm mindset as well as a strict discipline towards achieving your goal. Not all people possess that kind of thinking.
People who are in the bodybuilding business also have special diets. These bodybuilding diets involve eating the right kind of foods as well as taking them in right amounts. Even if you eat the right kind of food but eat them in excess, then more often that not, your bodybuilding diet would simply go to waste.
Determining the right kind of diet for you is based a lot on your bodybuilding goals. Do you want to bulk up to the extreme or just want to tone some of your areas? There is definitely a right dietary balance for you.
Oftentimes, these bodybuilding diets do not only revolve around having the right kind and amount of food. Assisting these diets are dietary supplements like proteins, vitamins, and some minerals that complete the much-needed recommended daily dietary allowance. Even the right kind and amount of food does not guarantee you the precise amount of your dietary elements.
Always make sure that you are consulting a certified dietician, nutritionist, or doctor when planning your diet.
Body Building provides detailed information on Body Building, Body Building Supplements, Female Body Building, Teen Body Building and more. Body Building is affiliated with Big Muscles.
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Monday, August 07, 2006
Live Longer With Exercise
Many recent studies show that people die from inactivity, not just from aging. We know that as people age, they lose muscle, their immunities weaken and because of their weakened immunity, they are more likely to die of cancer and infectious diseases. As you age, you lose your ability to kill germs because of lack of muscle. When germs get into your body, you must make white blood cells and proteins called antibodies to kill them. Antibodies and cells are made from protein and the only place that you can store extra protein is in your muscles. When you have large muscles, you have a ready source of protein to make antibodies and cells. When you have small muscles, you have a very limited source of amino acids to make protein, so your immunity may be inadequate for its job of killing germs.
You need antibodies to control cancer cells also. Each day, every healthy body makes millions of cancer cells. Your white blood cells and protein antibodies are necessary to ferret out and kill these cancer cells. You develop cancer when these cancer cells survive and start growing. Having large muscles gives you the source of protein to make antibodies that kill cancer cells as well as germs. Furthermore, when your skeletal muscles are small, so is your heart muscle. A strong heart can withstand arteriosclerosis and infections that can kill a weak heart.
Lack of exercise causes muscles to get smaller. With aging, it takes increasingly longer to recover from exercise. When older people get injured or get tired too soon or feel sore too early, they do less and less or they stop exercising altogether. Instead, they should be exercising more intelligently so they can retain their muscles. A major advantage of competing in sports at any age is that you can learn good training techniques and how to avoid injuries. If you can exercise into your nineties and beyond without quitting or getting injured, you can retain muscle mass, keep up your immunity and live longer and healthier.
Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at
Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition.
More on Exercise to Delay Aging.
Article Source:,_M.D.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
When Your Fears and Depression Have the Best of You
What do you do when your fears and depression are stronger than what you can handle? There are times that no matter what you do, your fears have the best of you. Here is a list of techniques and suggestions on what to do when this happens.
The first step is to learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. You never know when the answers you are looking for will come to your doorstep. We may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.
When a person is feeling depressed, he or she should take a few minutes to write down all of the things that he is thankful for in his life. This list could include past accomplishments and all the things that that they take for granted. The next time you feel depressed, review your list and think about the good things that you have in your life.
Remember that there is one power that is stronger than your fears and depression and that is the power of God. A person does not have to be religious to use the power of God. When the going gets tough, talk to God about your problems as if you were talking to a friend. Review the Bible and pray hard. Be persistent and be open in the avenues that God may provide to you in solving your problem. It is not always easy, however God is in control and he will help you if you ask him.
If you decide to use the services of a professional, get into the habit of reviewing with your counselor what techniques work for you and which ones don’t. Dealing with your fears takes practice so use this situation as a learning experience in improving your skill sets. In every anxiety-related situation you experience, begin to learn what works and what doesn’t work in managing your fears and anxieties.
As a Layman, I realize it is not easy to deal with all of our fears, however there are all kinds of help available. The key is to be patient and not to give up. In time, you will be able to find those resources that will help you with your problems.
Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods” - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties.
For additional information go to:
For free articles on managing fear please go to:
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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Count Your Calories To Better Health
Obesity is steadily growing to be major lifestyle problem for most Americans. In fact, studies have shown that with the influx of new fat-rich, fast food diets, Americans have begun to get larger and heavier. Also, in an alarming development, more and more people are getting overweight at a younger age.
Being overweight means that one has an excess amount of weight – which does not limit itself to fat. There are ranges in weight that is acceptable for people of different age and height groups. If you weigh more than recommended for your height and age group, then you should seriously consider shedding off some pounds.
Health professionals use the Body Mass Index (BMI), to ascertain whether a person is overweight or not. This measurement seeks to find out how heavy a person is per amount of body space he or she has. The BMI is a handy tool in assessing whether a person is healthy or overweight.
Being able to know your BMI and watch your weight is essential to good health. While most people just think that being overweight is something that is painful to look at – with repercussions to one’s overall self-esteem, there are other, graver reasons why one should be concerned about his or her weight.
The truth is that obesity is a major factor in many debilitating diseases that have gone up in frequency of late. Heart disease, Stroke, Diabetes, and other major diseases can be traced to obesity and ultimately to one’s diet and lifestyle.
Therefore, to be able to avoid these lifestyle diseases, it becomes imperative that one is able to keep from becoming obese. There are two major ways to do this – a proper diet, and exercise (or a more active lifestyle). Because of the increase in daily conveniences in today’s world, people are becoming increasingly sedentary and fail to work their bodies into health.
The only way to regain this health is to return to a more active type of lifestyle coupled with a return to healthier, less-fatty foods.
Losing Calories is as Easy as Counting Them But how do people get fat? While genetics can be a big factor, the overriding principle here is that everything that you eat has varying amounts of calories that your body needs for energy. If you consume more than you need, your body ends up storing it for later use. This is when your calories become fat tissue.
The problem here is that it could lead to a vicious cycle where you keep consuming more energy than you need, this will lead to more fatty deposits that will accumulate throughout the years unabated. This underscores the need for more restraint and discipline with our diet.
To lose fat, one must consume just enough calories so that the body does not have to store the energy as fat. It will instead burn the energy up. If you eat just a little less than your body needs, your body will turn to its fat stores for energy.
However, it does not mean that if you stop eating at all, you will lose fat. In fact it would be quite the contrary. If you stop eating altogether and pig out once in a while, it would lead to increased fat deposits because your body would have adjusted to so little energy in the body.
So what is the solution? The solution to this debacle is to eat just the right amount of calories throughout the day in small but frequent meals. Couple this with exercise, and you have a surefire way of burning the fat nothingness.
However, when going for exercise, it has to be the aerobic kind, meaning it has to be a regular sustained exercise that for more than 20 minutes. This type of exercise uses oxygen and fat to generate energy. Weight lifting on the other hand is anaerobic and uses glycogen instead for energy.
How do you tell the two apartIf you are able to talk a bit while performing an exercise, then it is most probably aerobic. Your heart rate for such exercises should span the 130 bpm range.
Your CaloriesGoing back to calories, you should remember that to keep your calories in the range for your weight. Look at the nutritional information to make your decisions. Also you should consult with a nutritionist for further advice on your recommended calorie intake and reduction plan.
Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about calories, how to count them and how to use them to lose weight.
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Elliptical Trainer - Health Benefits For Hearts And Hips
Having an elliptical trainer as a cardio workout companion, pays handsome health dividends. Improved cardiovascular function, overall conditioning, and healthy weight loss due to a revved up metabolism, are all part and parcel of the benefits of an elliptical trainer package.
Although these machines were primarily developed as a low-impact exercise solution, elliptical trainers have become superb general fitness tools. They offer continuous motion, without the commotion, so to speak!
With the help of the firm footing provided by the elliptical trainer's footpads or footplates, the user 'walks' with a natural, smooth, flowing movement. The result is bone-strengthening, weight-bearing, fat-burning, aerobic exercise, without the jarring that is a major cause of joint injuries.
You will have a riot on your hands if only your hips, glutes, and legs are called to 'gym' service. Maintain bodily harmony and peace, by looking at elliptical trainers that sport crosstraining handlebars. This will get your upper body into the game, placating complaining hips and thighs.
By following this strategy, you maximize the calorie-burning benefit you derive from your time on the elliptical trainer. At the same time, you will be strengthening your arms, back, chest, and shoulders.
Elliptical Trainer - A Basic Checklist
Adjustable Resistance: As your body adapts to the cardio workout, and your aerobic capacity increases, you will need an adjustable resistance feature to maintain the effectiveness off the elliptical trainer program. Look for a machine that offers this feature at the push of a button. You don't want to lose your momentum, while changing gear.
Backing Up Is Beneficial: An elliptical trainer should offer both forward and reverse motion. This prevents repetitive strain injuries, by cajoling different muscles into action. It also adds variety to your exercise routine, maintaining interest.
Concise Consoles: Make sure that you will be able to understand the workings of the elliptical trainer's console. Functionality and clear programming are vital. Some machines conveniently accommodate more than one user.
Do-It-Yourself: Most elliptical trainers feature a wide variety of pre-set programs - more than enough to test your limits for some time. However, you may want the option to customize programs to allow for your particular needs. Check that this will be possible.
Even Fluency: When testing an elliptical trainer, a clear sign of the quality of the machine, is the fluency of the motion, and a low noise level. Any sign of instability, is a sign to focus on a different model.
Footprint Fit: If space is a problem, an elliptical trainer may be an ideal option, as it usually is quite a compact piece of fitness equipment. Many models come with wheels for no-fuss mobility.
Heart Rate Monitor: Most elliptical trainers feature hand grip sensors on the handlebars. In any cardiovascular exercise program, it is vital to monitor your heart rate, in order to make adjustments to the workout intensity. A heart monitor strap may also be available.
Incline Incentive: A quality elliptical trainer will have as one of its features, an 0% to 10% adjustable incline, allowing you to up the ante as your muscle power increase. For maximum cardiovascular and strength-building benefits, it is important to retain an element of challenge in your routine.
Jolts And Jars: When testing an elliptical trainer, look for a completely smooth movement, without any jolts or bouncyness in the footpads.
Knee-Demands: An elliptical trainer often is a suitable option to consider, if you are experiencing any knee problems. The natural movement promotes proper alignment of ankle, knee, and hip. However, it is always safe to check with a health practitioner, if you have any medical concerns.
Length Of Stride: Test the elliptical trainer to make sure that it is completely comfortable. Don't let the machine cramp your style!
All the prominent manufacturers have designed state-of-the-art, feature-rich crosstrainers. The only way to make sure that you find the perfect partner for your cardio workout, is to thoroughly test a wide range of elliptical trainers.
For more information read Winsor Pilates - Toned From Torso To Toes With A Mari Winsor Pilates Tape at
Rika Susan of researches, writes, and publishes full-time on the Web.
Copyright of this article: 2006 Rika Susan. This article may be reprinted if the resource box and hyperlinks are left intact.
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Friday, July 28, 2006
The Seven Things You Can Do to Improve Your Health When You Have Cancer
Even if you have cancer, you will feel much better when you follow a healthy lifestyle. When you live a healthy lifestyle, you will dramatically reduce the amount of illness and disease you suffer from--and if you are already sick, you will improve your chances of recovery by following these seven tips.
1. Consume a nutritious diet. Most important to help control and prevent cancer is the amount of antioxidants in your diet. Try to consume nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and try to choose at least one from each color of the rainbow every day. Check out the Food Guide Pyramid for additional tips.
2. Drink lots of water. Strive to drink at least 64 oz. of fresh spring or distilled water each day, or 1/2 your weight in pounds in oz. of water per day, whichever is larger. For example, a 200 lb. person would want to drink 1/2 of 200, or 100, oz. of water per day.
3. Get sufficient rest. You should be able to wake up naturally without an alarm clock. It's best to go to bed early and rise early (meaning, bedtime from 9pm-10pm and rising from 5am-6am).
4. Get plenty of exercise. Both strength training and cardiovascular exercise provide benefits. Try to do each at least three times per week. However, to protect your immune system, avoid exercising for much longer than one hour at a time, especially if your intensity level is high.
5. Avoid putting unnecessary chemicals into your body. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, additives and preservatives in processed foods, and artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. Organic food may be a wise investment in your health. At the very least, shop the perimeter of the grocery store. The more natural the food is, the better. Try to eat things that are still the way they are found in nature: i.e. apples are better than bottled apple sauce, which is better than commercial apple juice. Try herbal remedies rather than drugs whenever possible.
6. Consider supplementing your diet with vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients. A general multivitamin is a good bet for most people if you are suffering from cancer (always check with your physician). Fish oils are also a great overall health supplement, and are especially good for the immune system which comes in handy if you have cancer.
7. Use a detoxification regimen from time to time. Many people use essiac tea for detoxification of the liver, kidneys, and colon. Herbal colon cleanse formulas are also a good choice for many people. Dandelion greens brewed and cooled into a juice is also a good overalll detoxification to take.
Bryan Paulhus has been helping people combat health problems and side effects from traditional treatments since 1986. He accomplishes this using all natural, alternative remedies. Free samples are available, and charitable donations are available as well. Please visit for more information.
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
Lemon Juice Health Benefits
Lemonade is known to have been used as a refreshing drink since the time of the Moguls. Modem investigations have tended to support this use, the essential oil being very good for cooling the body. This use can be extended to the employment of lemon juice with water and sugar as the best drink to take when you have a fever.
When the temperature of the body is high, whether from the effects of the sun or from the results of illness, it is necessary to take regular drinks in order to prevent dehydration. Sugar is not normally a desirable part of a healthy diet, nevertheless it has its part to play with lemon, and although there is no doubt that the addition of honey if available is very much to be preferred.
The high vitamin C content of the lemon has been used for hundreds of years to ward off scurvy among sailors and travelers. There is little sodium, so the fruit is good as a flavoring for those on a low salt diet.
Because in some countries the producers of lemons extend their keeping properties and improve appearance by coating them with the chemical diphenyl and waxing the fruits, it is a wise precaution to wash the lemon with a little unscented soap and then rinse thoroughly before converting the whole fruit to juice.
The pulp left from the juicing is excellent for the skin and can also soothe the bites and stings of insects. If you add equal parts of toilet water and of glycerin to the residue the mixture can be made to keep the hands smooth.
Doctors Morel and Rochaix demonstrated that the extract of lemon when vaporized will neutralize the bacteria of meningococcus, typhoid, pneumococcus and staphylococcus in from 15 to 180 minutes.
A gastronomically inclined Frenchman, Charles Richet, is said by Dr Valnet to have discovered that the lemon juice added to raw oysters before eating them destroys 92% of the bacteria present within 15 minutes. A good reason to wait before you eat!
This information is relevant to the idea that lemon juice is a most important therapy to be used in all cases of infection of the respiratory tract and as a general tonic.
Provided that the juice is diluted with water, there is no danger in taking any reasonable quantity of lemon juice. Be sure to choose firm, clear colored lemons that have not begun to wither. The first signs of ageing can be spotted where the stem was once attached to the fruit.
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on benefits of juices and raw vegetables are also mentioned which includes lime juice too.
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
What is Optimal Health Anyway?
This happened to me recently. I had a woman attend one of my health lectures using a walker. She had just come from dialysis and was wearing a surgical boot. I asked her if she had any health concerns, and she said no. That’s right, she told me that apart from the wound in her foot that wouldn’t heal and her failing kidneys she was otherwise in good health.
I’m very thankful to live in a world with such amazing, life-saving technology as dialysis, but I’m also amazed that someone in this state would consider herself to be in a good state of health.
What does it mean to be healthy anyway? It stands to reason that there should be an accepted definition of health to use as a starting point. It so happens that the World Health Organization has one.
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
This definition has not been changed since 1948. It pretty much says it all.
The word health comes from the same root word that gives us the word holy. It’s about being whole. Being healthy is about being in balance. Balance doesn’t mean that you never lean to one side or the other. Balance is about how quickly you come back to center. Physical health is greatly influenced by genetics, environment and diet. Someone who falls and receives a scrape should expect to heal. First their genes will influence potential. Some people may not form blood clots well. Some people may have other disorders that slow their ability to rebuild tissue. Others heal very quickly.
The environment may influence healing processes as well. If you keep scraping your knee, how quickly would you expect it to heal? Damaging influences need to be taken away. What other things are affecting your body that it is also trying to deal with? If your body is trying to deal with constant lung irritation due to bad air, the resources of your body might not be able to cover other battles, like an infected wound.
Diet is about raw materials. You are what you eat. If you are providing your body with good foods that are not saturated with preservatives you have the raw materials the cells need to perform the tasks of healing. Sometimes it is difficult to eat the recommended amounts of fresh whole foods on a daily basis, so high-quality dietary supplements can help ensure that you have the raw materials your body needs.
Studies have shown that people with better diets seem to enjoy better health. This means that they still get sick from time to time. They are still at the same risk for car accidents and paper cuts. What makes them healthier than others is measured by how quickly they come back to their balance. How is your state of balance?
Dave Saunders is a nutritional consultant, published author and lectures to the medical community on new discoveries and technologies in nutrition and biochemistry. You can read more about discoveries in nutrition at
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Avoiding Common Health Risks
Since our natural health cannot be replaced, I think it is wise to take a look at common, everyday things we do that can compromise our health. Most of unconscious on our part….
I suppose I want to raise our awareness of our environment, work place, home activities, and play time. There no reason not to enjoy a healthy, fun filled life. But a few minor changes may be in order…and again, most of this is raising our awareness of our surrounding.
A few years ago, I attended a female self defense course for mature women. Some of it was down right funny…using your purse as a weapon…spitting in their eye….but there’s one thing they said that I will never forget: “Pay attention to your surroundings…stay alert….”
Well, since fine health is my bag, I started thinking about how unaware most of us are on a daily basis, especially when it come to guarding our health….we touch everything, then our mouth, you know we are all sort of asleep out there….
But I promise you… this is no time in history to be “unaware” about anything….
So I want to put a few ideas before you…to start you thinking…..
- Avoid breathing ANY aerosol sprays. These micro liquid drops lodge deeply in the lungs and immediately drag down the immune system. Hold your breathe outside and spray your hair.
Pay attention to anything that comes in contact with your skin. Your skin absorbs well and carries it right to your liver and blood stream; even your brain gets a dose of whatever you have touched.
Always take one Milk Thistle capsule and one Alpha Lipoic capsule 20 minutes before applying hair dye to your hair. These potent antioxidants will shield your liver cells from the assault. Hair dye is a very toxic substance.
Change the filters in AC often for clean house air. Dust often to avoid concentrations of bacteria in your home. Bacteria like to travel on dust particles. A clean house is a healthy house.
Clean your clothes dryer filter with each load. That filter captures a lot of nasty dander and dust mite residues. Heat up your pillow in the clothes dryer to kill dust mites at least once per month. Dust mites leave droppings that can cause chronic allergies and asthma.
If possible, try to avoid working under fluorescent lights. Avoid looking directly at any halogen bulb. Move the halogen lamp away from your chest.
Learn to regularly clean your keyboard, phone, pencils, etc. Especially if other people touch these surfaces.
Try not to share your cell phone, mascara, lipstick, etc. Never eat, or drink after other people, except your spouse or children. (Hepatitis B is spread by saliva.)
Spend as little time as possible in public restrooms; use paper on the door to exit and anywhere else others have touched. This is a very infectious environment, especially for AIDS and hepatitis. (AIDS can live on surfaces for up to 36 hours.)
Always run your car ventilation unit on re-circulation to avoid as much indoor pollution in your car cab from outside air. When you get to work, spend as little time in the parking garage where car exhaust are particularly concentrated.
If you are sick, stay home. You don’t need to infect others and worse yet, pick up a worse infection due to your immune system being so weak.
Try to sit by yourself and read quietly on trains to avoid close, crowded contact with sick people.
Sexuality and Personal Intimacy Habits
Unless you are in a committed relationship, use a condom. 15 million people a year contract some form of a sexually transmitted disease. Worse yet, science is emerging that links STD to illnesses (cancer, heart disease, arthritis,) 20 years down the road. When I say use a condom, I mean for everything. Even candida yeast infections are transmitted sexually.
Avoid anal sex altogether. It is linked to prostate, bladder, and colon cancer, not to mention a heightened risk of getting AIDS. And we really don’t know all of the implications of contracting blood parasites. Cancer research has been focusing on fungal and parasitic infections for quite some time. Men are especially at risk for disease from anal sex due to drawing in while ejaculating. Once these invaders are inside your blood stream…who knows? Prostate cancer down the road? Why is prostate cancer at such high numbers now? What was once taboo is now okay, or is it?
Always pull the lead apron up close to your thyroid gland to protect it when getting dental x-rays. Radiation is cumulative. Never get any x-ray unless it is absolutely necessary.
Learn about your prescription medications and report side effects. Investigate natural alternatives before moving to chemical drugs, if possible.
Avoid touching surfaces in doctor’s offices, which can be a highly infectious place. Bring your own magazine. They don’t keep the climate in the office so cold for nothing. This is designed to knock down the bloom of infectious agents in the air because they like it warm and moist.
Always have someone with you when you go to a hospital. Mistakes are happening at an alarming rate and it ‘s only going to get worse and the aging population swells higher. Speak to the nurse, or doctor serving you. Confirm what is going on if you can. If you can’t, let your friend or relative watch over you.
Mary Carlson has been helping people find solutions to health problems and stay healthy naturally for over two decades. Visit her website at for free heath remedies and advice. © and ™ All Rights Reserved
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Health Benefits of Green Tea
By Michael Russell
Historical evidence suggests that tea leaves boiled in water were consumed as far back as 5,000 years ago in India and China. These two countries were the earliest users of tea. Tea also plays a very important part in social rituals of Japan. In Asian countries tea has long played an important cultural role.
Tea is derived from leaves of a plant called Camellia sinensis. The plant is grown in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
There are three types of tea - Green, black and oolong. All of these are derived from Camellia sinensis, the difference lying in the way the leaves are processed. Green tea is prepared from leaves that are not fermented; oolong tea is prepared from partially fermented leaves, while black tea leaves are fully fermented. Green and oolong tea are mostly consumed in Asian countries like China, Japan, India and Thailand, while black tea is preferred in United States.
In recent periods green tea has attracted a lost of attention due to many health benefits attributed to it. Many studies have been conducted which explore the link between consumption of green tea and incidence of certain diseases in the population. It has been observed that green tea is helpful in:
- preventing cancer,
- improving the ratio of 'good' (HDL) cholesterol to 'bad' cholesterol,
- cognition,
- treating flatulence,
- regulating blood sugar,
- regulating body temperature,
- improving digestion.
In some studies it was suggested that the lower incidence of heart related diseases in the French population in spite of the consumption of a fat rich diet is related to the drinking of large quantities of green tea by them. This may be compared to the lower incidence of heart diseases in Japanese population, 75% of which are heavy smokers.
The medicinal properties of green tea are attributed to the presence of polyphenols, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants help prevent the damage caused by free radicals present in body. Free radicals occur naturally, but they grow in numbers due to some environmental conditions like pollution, ultra-violet light, cigarette smoke etc. Green tea contains 30% to 40% polyphenols, while black tea contains up to 10% polyphenols.
3 to 4 cups of green tea is recommended for an adult.
Green tea has been found to be beneficial in following conditions :
(1) People who drink green tea are found to have lower LDL cholesterol levels and higher HDL cholesterol levels. One study conducted in animals suggests that polyphenols may help inhibit the absorption of cholesterol by intestines thus helping in the excretion of cholesterol from body.
(2) Though it has not yet been conclusively proved that drinking of green tea is related to the lower incidence of caner in Japan, yet some studies conducted in animals indicate that polyphenols that act as antioxidants may be responsible for killing the cancer cells.
(3) It was found in certain studies that polyphenols help control Type 1 diabetes. The body stops producing insulin in Type 1 diabetes. Green tea can be helpful in regulating levels of glucose in the blood in such cases.
(4) Green tea has also been found to be beneficial for the liver. It helps control the damaging effect of alcohol on it. People who drink green tea are found to have lower incidence of liver diseases.
(5) Green tea may also be helpful in reducing weight in obese people. Though not conclusively proved, weight reducing properties of polyphenols have been noted in some studies.
In some cases, however, certain precautions need to be taken while taking green tea.
People with stomach ulcers, heart problems, hyperthyroidism and psychological disorders should not take green tea. Pregnant women should also avoid it. Green tea should also be avoided if one is taking any of the following medications: anti-biotics, Benzodiazepines, Beta blockers, blood thinning medicines, chemotherapy, oral contraceptives and lithium.
Michael Russell Your Independent Herbal guide.
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Herbs for Heartburn
While there are many herbs for heartburn relief, taking herbs for frequent heartburn symptoms that have not been evaluated by your doctor may not be the best treatment plan. If you suffer from heartburn occasionally, then you are not alone. According to a recent survey, 25% of people living in the United States suffer from heartburn every month and about 12% have symptoms every week. Frequent heartburn is defined by most practitioners as heartburn that is experienced three or more times per week. But, because symptoms are so bothersome, individuals that experience heartburn only several times more month may feel that there symptoms are frequent.
Using herbs for frequent heartburn may not be enough. Changes in lifestyle and dietary habits are usually necessary, even among people who are taking prescription medications that are designed to prevent heartburn symptoms. It can be very helpful to keep a food or heartburn diary for a month or two. This can help you determine many things. First, you will be able to see how many times per week you have heartburn symptoms. You may not realize how often you actually have heartburn.
Second, it may help you see what foods are heartburn triggers in your case and you may be able to avoid those foods. Eating foods that are highly acidic often leads to symptoms of heartburn. Herbs for heartburn relief, as well as over the counter medications attempt to neutralize or reduce the amount of stomach acid. If you begin taking over the counter products or herbs for frequent heartburn relief, your heartburn diary will help you determine what products work best for you. If you find it necessary to consult your physician, he or she will want to know what herbs for heartburn or other over the counter products you have tried. If nothing works, you will definitely want to consult your physician.
Your heartburn diary may also help you determine what other factors lead to heartburn in your case. Overeating, for instance, commonly leads to heartburn. Fennel tea or other herbs for heartburn relief may help after overeating. Taking a leisurely stroll is a better idea than lying down after a large meal. Other forms of exercise may bring on or worsen symptoms.
Some companies that sell herbs and other natural products have concoctions that include a combination of herbs for frequent heartburn prevention as well as heartburn relief. A combination of herbs for heartburn relief may be more effective than just one type of herb. Fennel and mint oils are commonly recommended, but some doctors advise that mint of any kind can bring on heartburn. Whenever you are buying herbs and other natural products, you should choose an established company that sells a number of different products, not just herbs for heartburn relief.
For more information about heartburn and other common digestive problems, visit
Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Are A Heroin Addict? Please Read This.
The chronics conditon requires multiple treatment. To be effective in preventing relapse, treatment must address pharmacologic, psychologic and social issues.
Mediacal Caunseling Programme...How it works
The medical caunseling programmes is a modification from the current rehabilitation programme which involves the incorporation of Medical Treatment.
Naltrexone HSI is a prescription medication that offers a new and unique approch in relapse prevention. Naltrexone acts by preventing readdiction due to implusive drug use and allows the detoxified clients to remain drug-free, during the life adjustment period.
This Naltrexone treatment supported by Counseling programmes, for example; individual psychotherapy, group therapy and family therapy which provide effective suppirt for the psychologic and social issues has proven to be key factors to success.
The new approch offers a short residential detoxification / treatment followed by continuing out-patient counseling programmes.
Consult your doctors for futher information...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Diabetes - My late father notes ( Last Part )
To stay HEALTHY and continue living a normal and active you will have to take steps to CONTROL your diabetes. To control diabetes means keeping the Level of SUGAR in the BLLOD within the Normal Range for as much of the time possible.
You should pay careful attention to the following:
If not treated or controlled properly, the diabetic patient may develop SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS such as
So i hope anybody that have problem,please go to see your doctor immediately!!!
In memory of...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Diabetes - My late father notes ( Part 2 )
The Notes ( Part 2 )
What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes?
1. Passing lots of urine frequently.
2. Always feel thirsty
3. Loss of weight in spite of good appetite
4. You always feel hungry
5. Always feel tired like you don’t have energy to do your work
6. Itch, particularly in genital area.
If some of these symptoms do occur together and persist, the person should see a doctor immediately to find out whether he or she is having diabetes.
At the clinic or hospital, simple urine and blood tests are carried out to confirm if the person has diabetes.
Who gets diabetes?
BUT people who
1. Comes from families with a history of diabetes
2. Are in the older age groups ( 40 & above )
3. Are overweight
have a GREATER RISK of getting DIABETES.
But don’t worry, there treatment for diabetes. Among the famous diabetic treatment is DIET and MEDICATION. The food you eat plays an important part in the control of diabetes. Dietary regulation in some form is important in every case of diabetes. Some mid cases can be controlled by diet alone. In addition to diet control, most patient require medication to keep their diabetes under control. But IT IS IMPORTANT TO SEEK EARLY TREATMENT.
Ø Relieve symptoms
Ø Prevents or reduce complications
Ø Enable the diabetic to live normal life span.
But presently, there is NO CURE for diabetes. It is a LIFE – LONG CONDITION that the person must live with. Normally, a diabetic patient will have to continue taking medication for the rest of his or her life. All the treatment that you take, DO NOT CURE your disease, but can help to CONTROL the disease and thus enable you to enjoy living a NORMAL and PRODUCTIVE LIFE.
Master Mind.. :)
Diabetes - My late father notes ( Part 1 )
The Notes ( Part 1 )

Diabetes is a condition where there is an abnormally high level of sugar in the blood. The arises because the body lacks a hormone called INSULIN which is needed to convert Sugar or also known as Glucose into energy. Insulin is a hormone which comes from a gland called the Pancreas.
In a normal person, insulin helps the blood glucose to enter the body cells and be turned into ENERGY. In a person who has diabetes or the person also known as DIABETIC the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the insulin that is produces fails to act normally.
As a results, glucose or sugar cannot enter the body cells. Instead it collects in the blood giving rise to high blood sugar level and then spills over into the URINE. Without Insulin, the body’s cells become starved of sugar, despite the high level in the blood, and thus the body lacks energy.
Healthy Body - There are nothing more valuble than that

The aim of this blog is to help by giving you all a very important part of your education for life, you cannot make a full use of your life either as an idividual or as a member of your community if you do not enjoy full healthy.
That you will get when you read this blog content.. i personally will catch and grab new informations about how we can have a healthy body and also mind. You will know that many different but closely related activities are going on all the time in your body.
When all these life processed are going on smoothly and properly 'in step' with each other and with the external conditions around you, then your body is said to be healthy..but if this natural and normal condition of full health is disturbed, for example when somethings goes wrong with one of the essential living processes, then you become ill, sick or diseased.

This unnatural and abnormal condition of ill-health,sickness, or disease may be caused by unhealthy surroundings, or by unhealthty habits, or by insufficient or unsuitable food or by harmful organisms that may enterthe body.
So i hope we all can learn more about how we can keep our most valuble wealth..that is our own Health.