The aim of this blog is to help by giving you all a very important part of your education for life, you cannot make a full use of your life either as an idividual or as a member of your community if you do not enjoy full healthy.
That you will get when you read this blog content.. i personally will catch and grab new informations about how we can have a healthy body and also mind. You will know that many different but closely related activities are going on all the time in your body.
When all these life processed are going on smoothly and properly 'in step' with each other and with the external conditions around you, then your body is said to be healthy..but if this natural and normal condition of full health is disturbed, for example when somethings goes wrong with one of the essential living processes, then you become ill, sick or diseased.

This unnatural and abnormal condition of ill-health,sickness, or disease may be caused by unhealthy surroundings, or by unhealthty habits, or by insufficient or unsuitable food or by harmful organisms that may enterthe body.
So i hope we all can learn more about how we can keep our most valuble wealth..that is our own Health.
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